Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tea and a Chat: Professionalism

“In order to understand the true importance of professionalism, the first step is to understand what it means. One good definition goes something like this. Professionalism is adhering to a set of values which include meeting professional obligations, conducting oneself according to formal and informal codes of conduct, and meeting the expectations of everyone with whom we come into contact as part of our business role... A wealth of behaviors: respect, punctuality, confidentiality, focus, etc..."
(Source: Keys to Operating a Successful Business: Important of a Professional Image)


The way in which you act and present yourself can create lasting impressions that will have an impact on those you interact with. Also, you never know when a potential employer is watching! Be gentle, kind, approachable, try your best not to be heard before you're seen. Such excellent behavior has to be practiced and it begins with small steps:
  • Use a professional email address
  • Create a professional voicemail message. First impressions make a huge difference and often this is the first interaction someone may have with you. “Dude” or “yo” type language is inappropriate. This also applies when you answer your phone.
  • Make your smile your best accessory
  • Dress the way you want to be remembered. Not necessarily business attire everyday BUT (ladies!) let's try less cleavage, not too many inches above the knee, only natural hair colors (if God would not create a child with the color, it isn't natural. A baby has never come out of the womb with pink, blue, or yellow hair!) and (males!) pants around the waist, if you must wear ear rings please be decent, neat facial hair, no crazy hair styles or colorings. (Both genders) Also, when it comes to piercing, please be wise: facial piercings and numerous ear piercings are not professional. If you have "manageable" tattoos (as in, they can be covered) then manage them first, ask about them later!
Understand that you are a walking, talking, breathing BRAND. You make a name for yourself by the exemplification of your every day behavior and appearance. Would an employer be able to trust you with their brand?
We will discuss more with the next post on PROFESSIONALISM!
"You have the POWER to be EXCELLENT in every area of your life. Start TODAY!"
Until next time!

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