Thursday, May 29, 2014


There are many more opportunities posted ( If you'd like, you can create an account, set up your profile and begin networking and searching. Worth the time and effort! Happy hunting!
Good luck and be EXCELLENT!
Until next time!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Professionalism: A Guide to Business Etiquette

“Professionalism is knowing how to do it, when to do it, and [then] doing it.” -- Frank Tyger
etiquette - the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

The Etiquette Advantage in Business: Personal Skills for Professional Success, a 338-page book centered around minor improvements that could help you in the world of PROFESSIONALISM. This book composed by four descendants of Emily Post, an etiquette doyenne, tackles instances that involve our every day life: cellular phone usage, social networking, gender identity and mix of generations in the workplace, etc. Below are just a few keys I wanted to pull out.

Cellular phone usage:
"...We silence our phones during meetings, refrain from blabbing about private matters where others can overhear us and try to keep our voices down to a reasonable level. But many of us violate one of the rules: don’t use your phone if there is the possibility someone around you will be bothered by it..."
"It is incredibly disruptive and undermining when people are texting, emailing and instant-messaging while a meeting is going on... A phone out on the table is like a ticking time bomb. You and your companions are just waiting for it to go off and it says to the people you are with that your phone is more important than they an ideal world, we [should] silence and stow our devices during meetings and meals."

Social networking:
"The "bulletin board rule": don’t post anything on a social media site that you wouldn’t tack up to the office bulletin board for anyone to read. Know that even with privacy settings, your social media messages are never private and don’t ever use social media to gripe about bosses, colleagues or clients."

We are in a generation where everyone believes in being eccentric and bold about their lifestyle. So what do you do when working with someone who is homosexual, queer, transgender? "...Use the pronoun that reflects what the person is wearing. Or just ask, what pronoun would you like me to use?"

Women tend to be "overly independent" in this day and age. With an "I don't need a man for anything", "I can work just as hard as the next man" attitude, how do you handle a man that is chivalrous? Men, how do you respond to a woman that doesn't respect your chivalry? Women, how do you handle a situation where the man doesn't display the chivalry that you're accustomed to?
(Men) Simply continue to be polite in spite of. (Women) If he opens the door, walk through and say "thank you". If he doesn't open the door.... Well, "it is what it is". No need to be offended either way it goes, we are in a different generation! You guys aren't dating, just simply co-workers headed to work.
This chapter also discusses how to work with those that are of a different generation. "Be cognizant of different communication habits, they advise. The oldest generation grew up with face-to-face meetings, Baby Boomers are used to land-line phone calls, Generation X likes email and millennials prefer texting. It helps to keep all this in mind and when necessary, step outside your comfort zone and try using the communication mode that the other person expects."

Click the link for source of all quotes in this blog post & the full article: A Guide to Business Etiquette

We will discuss more with the next post on PROFESSIONALISM!
"You have the POWER to be EXCELLENT in every area of your life. Start TODAY!"
Until next time!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Georgia Tech Research Institute has just posted a new position, "System Software Engineer - Huntsville, AL (Research Engineer/Scientist I or II) ASL 698", which may be of interest to you.

Georgia Tech Research Institute to view the position and submit an application.

Good luck and be EXCELLENT!
Until next time!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Tea and a Chat: Professionalism [Pt. II]

“In business 'professionalism' is not a tactic but a moral value.” -- Amit Kalantri

(Notice I didn't say brief!)

In Part I [link to Part I in case you missed it ;)] of learning about PROFESSIONALISM we discussed appearance and behavior! Hopefully, you guys took the minor steps towards being a better you and with this post we can move forward!

When it comes to composing your resume please understand that there IS a RIGHT and WRONG way! Below I gave you the BASIC format of a proper resume! 
The top, centered part of your resume is listed: YOUR NAME, PHYSICAL ADDRESS, CONTACT NUMBER, YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.
Luther Skeelwiser
0605 Pavement Str
Huntsville, AL, 35762
(334) 555 0275
(your name should be slightly larger than the information below it!) 
The main headings are:
  • OBJECTIVE - here you are to write a brief statement that details what you are looking to learn.
  1. "Seeking a position that will sharpen my retail and customer service skills";
  2. "Seeking an internship in Civil Engineering that will aid in developing skills and applying core knowledge"
  • EDUCATION - list your level of education from most current to recent. It is advised that if you are at junior level or higher in college, it is no longer necessary to list your high school! When listing your schools please spell out the name, location of school, list your attendance dates/graduation dates/anticipated graduation date, your concentration and the degree you plan to receive
  1. Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL, B.S. in Logistics, Anticipated graduation December 2015 (of course, not in that format!)
  • ACTIVITIES/HONORS - this is your time to shine! What are you involved in/extracurricular activities? Do you have any awards, medals, certificates, etc. Did/Do you have any leadership roles? If you have recognitions that relate to the job you're applying for, PLEASE list them!
  1. Logistics Club (Spring 2014)
  2. Poetry Club, Secretary (Spring 2014)
  3. Trail Blazers Club, Treasurer (Fall 2013)
  • WORK EXPERIENCE - list your work experience beginning with your most current along with brief details about your duties. List location and start date to end date or if you're presently working at that location then you'd simply put the start date "to Present".
  • SKILLS - another opportunity to shine! It is advised to list skills such as: computer software, leadership skills, job related skills!
  1. Sales, Organizing, Stocking, Software: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access
  • REFERENCES - you may have been told that you can simply put "Upon request" in this area BUT understand that listing references is very important depending on the job you're applying for. Also, pay attention to what the employer is looking to receive from you! If they ask for references, GIVE THEM REFERENCES! No less than three! Your references should include their name, title in your life (manager, mentor, etc) and/or the organization/institute, their email address, and their telephone number.
Putting together your resume is not a hard task! If you need help, ask! When applying for a job online, more than likely there will be a section that awards you the opportunity to upload your resume. UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR RESUME WILL EITHER MAKE YOU A PART OF THE STACK OR A PART OF THE TRASH! It is important to master resume writing!

It is also important to always keep a BASIC resume on file so that you can simply go to and "manipulate" it. Of course you're going to want to alter your resume whenever you're applying for different jobs!
Our next post(s) will discuss more on manipulating your resume and composing your cover letter!

We will discuss more with the next post on PROFESSIONALISM!
"You have the POWER to be EXCELLENT in every area of your life. Start TODAY!"
Until next time!