Wednesday, August 20, 2014

OUCH! That Hurt!!

Feedback and Criticism can hurt!
You may feel like it is a sucker punch to your pride, worth, and ability. After all, you dedicated a lot of time to this project!
We all say we want feedback but not many of us know how to digest the criticism and some of us would rather do without.
First and foremost, if it isn't constructive, it isn't worth listening to! But when someone genuinely provides feedback you must not only ingest but properly digest the information.
Feedback and criticism are intended to broaden your thinking, sharpen your skill and talent, and make you re-evaluate some things by acknowledging a different perspective. But it will be damaging if you do not know how to embrace it and use it wisely.
There is an article that gives you steps on how to embrace feedback and criticism:
1. Proactive listening
2. Never argue; just say thanks
3. Evaluate it, slowly
4. Be mindful
Click --->
to learn the details of Kevin Kruse's article
that will help you in, not only your professional, but personal life.
Be open to feedback and criticism,
learn how to operate in it in a healthy way,
and allow it to work for you!
Good luck and be EXCELLENT!
Until next time!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Professionalism: First Impressions

Have you been making the right first impressions?
We all know the saying "first impressions are everything!"
It's either a hit or miss.
First impressions include:
appearance, approach, 
attitude/personality, and conversation.
First and foremost,
if your appearance is not excellent
then everything else does not matter.
If your personality is bland or
your conversation is inappropriate for the setting,
your excellent appearance will not matter.
Mickie Kennedy published a post on professional development titled
In this post, Kennedy details the rules of the first impression:
1. Set the Tone the Morning of
2. Craft the Right Appearance
3. Monitor Your Interactions
(in quotation marks) and
read the post on making the right
first impression!!!!
We will discuss more with the next post on PROFESSIONALISM!
"You have the POWER to be EXCELLENT in every area of your life. Start TODAY!"
Until next time!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Challenge Yourself!

"You will never fulfill even a fraction of your potential by sticking to the safe and comfortable" (Rosengren, 2010).

If you are a young student, eager and excited about all that life has to offer, keep that excitement about life and channel your energy into what makes you happy. What is your passion? What do you enjoy doing? What is that thing that you think you could do for the rest of your life, no matter the pay? DO IT!
What is happening now-a-days is adults are settled into a career that makes them unhappy and they wish that they could do something differently. You become frustrated, bored and angry and it begins to carry over into your personal life. (Side note: Relationships have been said to end because of frustration due to work life). But it is never too late! Start by changing your perspective which then allows you to change yourself and your way of thinking which leads to you changing your situation!
"If you don't change yourself then you can't change your situation" (Laroya, n.d.).
Adults: Take on that New Career Challenge! You owe it to yourself! Now, I am not saying go to work, flip over your desk and yell "I QUIT!!!!!!" (YIKES!) but begin to venture into your avenue of interest while you work. It will come a time when you will be able to remove yourself from this unhappy place and operate in your passion. You owe it to yourself to take on a new career challenge!
"When it comes to experiencing frustration, disappointment or boredom in a career, chances are you are not on the right professional path; you should do what makes you happy, not just something that provides you with a paycheck to survive. As such, I would like to encourage everyone who is dissatisfied with their career to consider why they deserve making a change in where their professional development is headed" (Gilmore, 2014).
In the article "3 Reasons Why You Owe it to Yourself to Take on a New Career Challenge", Rachel Gilmore details three reasons you should consider that will put you on the path to freedom and happiness in your professional life:
1. You Deserve to Indulge in Your Passion
2. You Deserve Financial Freedom
3. You Deserve to be Happy
 Young Adults: Begin now with the pursuit of happiness! At this age, you are probably working a starter job but do not be discouraged! This is only the beginning. Do not look at your current job as a career but as a stepping stone and a necessary position to fulfill your needs right now. Pursue your passion while working your starter job! Operate in that passion, be excellent and market yourself!

Good luck and be EXCELLENT!
Until next time!